Our next event is on the 31st January and 1st February 2025. We are delighted to welcome Contra-Mestre Rander from Tucum Manchester and Professor Minhoquinho from Tucum Edinburgh. It's open to all,should be great fun and some welcome relief from the long winter nights :).
The event will run from 6.30 to 8.30pm on Friday and 1.45 - 5pm on the Saturday, and is just £35 for both days if you pay before Dec 31st 2024.
Location is : Croft house, 9 Garden St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 4BJ
We'd love to see you there. To join simply fill in the form at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13E65ctVf3pugIRcJNr5j1TXDuAzrjN9gnkhqmgOdwFI/edit
and send the payment with your name to Lloyds account Sort Code 30-99-95, Account 31700268
For more information contact Raul on 07852 221907 or email tucumcapoeirasheffield@gmail.com